He's sweet, he's handsome, and he's mine! Taken on our 27th anniversary trip to St. Augustine, FL, September 2013
"Love me with every beat of your heart. Pray for me. That'll make me happy." So said Mr. A when I asked him last night what I could do for him today.
That's an item which stays on my dailies and Psalm 91 is often prayed over/for him, for our grown children as well. For an impressively exhaustive way of praying for husbands, I highly recommend Stormie O'Martian's "The Power of a Praying Wife Devotional". I found my copy at Lifeway Christian Books in Valdosta, in my favorite section, bargain books.
If she left a stone uncovered, I have yet to discover it. My copy of another book of hers, "The Power of Praying for Your Adult Children", is highlighted, post-it-noted, and abundantly written on in the margins.
Mr. A's mother often said there can never be enough prayers. I couldn't agree more, and more so the older I become. When I was in my early 20s, dating Mr. A, I was well aware of his parents spending a lot of time in prayer for their seven children. They were in their 70s then, and this good habit continued for most of the rest of their lives.
Grannie, my mother's mother, prayed faithfully that I would find a good husband. Her prayer was answered, and she confirmed it herself saying, "I don't think you could have looked the world over and found a better husband." (I had quit looking.)
I'm sure she put in prayer time that I would be a good wife and the good Lord knows that was desperately needed! God rest my parents' souls, they were a match that seemed to be made more in hell than heaven. There is something to be said, though, for Romans 8:28:
New International Version (NIV)
28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
In their marriage, I gleaned a number of ideas of what not to do. And to their great credit, they stayed married until death did they part, over circumstances that would have the lesser-hearted running for divorce court.
I wanted my children to grow up in a more peaceful environment than I had, and that was before I ever had children, had a prospect to make children with, and was beginning to think I'd never be married and would work and be self-sufficient the rest of my life.
I've heard a good way to make God laugh is to tell Him your plans. Those weren't exactly my plans, but more what I thought was realistic.
Enter the fruit of Grannie's prayers, seemingly out of the blue. We were match made by a fellow who has had and released four wives. That was not a typo. Four. His divorces are not remotely funny, but God is, His choice of persons to bring us together. This man *told* us we belonged together. I wish he'd had better luck in his own love life, but luck has absolutely nothing to do with it.
I'm thoroughly convinced, always will be, that Grannie's prayers were absolutely, positively answered in the best possible manner.
My husband deserves my prayers. Not that my prayers are so wonderful--I've already admitted to looking to outside sources for help in that department--but the God we pray to is so awesome! His mother, who was so faithful to pray for her children, deserves someone to pick up that mantel of prayer for her son.
Pray for your spouse. Pray for your children's future spouses.
I cannot comprehend why the God of all factored our prayers in His plans. Why would He outsource something He could do magnificently without our contributions? I don't know. But I do know, and believe with all my heart, He hears our heart.
And don't forget to thank Him!
What a wonderful gift it is to have someone to walk through this world with.
Genesis 2:18 NIV
The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."
Proverbs 18:22 NIV
He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the LORD.
Mr. A has blessed my life and our children's lives. Understatement of the year. The very least I can do happens to be the very most I can do, honor his request that I pray for him.
I'm off to do just that.
Love and blessings,
Mrs. A
In their marriage, I gleaned a number of ideas of what not to do. And to their great credit, they stayed married until death did they part, over circumstances that would have the lesser-hearted running for divorce court.
I wanted my children to grow up in a more peaceful environment than I had, and that was before I ever had children, had a prospect to make children with, and was beginning to think I'd never be married and would work and be self-sufficient the rest of my life.
I've heard a good way to make God laugh is to tell Him your plans. Those weren't exactly my plans, but more what I thought was realistic.
Enter the fruit of Grannie's prayers, seemingly out of the blue. We were match made by a fellow who has had and released four wives. That was not a typo. Four. His divorces are not remotely funny, but God is, His choice of persons to bring us together. This man *told* us we belonged together. I wish he'd had better luck in his own love life, but luck has absolutely nothing to do with it.
I'm thoroughly convinced, always will be, that Grannie's prayers were absolutely, positively answered in the best possible manner.
My husband deserves my prayers. Not that my prayers are so wonderful--I've already admitted to looking to outside sources for help in that department--but the God we pray to is so awesome! His mother, who was so faithful to pray for her children, deserves someone to pick up that mantel of prayer for her son.
Pray for your spouse. Pray for your children's future spouses.
I cannot comprehend why the God of all factored our prayers in His plans. Why would He outsource something He could do magnificently without our contributions? I don't know. But I do know, and believe with all my heart, He hears our heart.
And don't forget to thank Him!
What a wonderful gift it is to have someone to walk through this world with.
Genesis 2:18 NIV
The LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."
Proverbs 18:22 NIV
He who finds a wife finds what is good and receives favor from the LORD.
Mr. A has blessed my life and our children's lives. Understatement of the year. The very least I can do happens to be the very most I can do, honor his request that I pray for him.
I'm off to do just that.
Love and blessings,
Mrs. A